
Price for 6 Months90
Refundalble Deposit150
Cost of Printing23
Cost of Shipping to Country0
Total, before Tax0
Payment & Tax via Stripe_Pay Now
Currency Note: Because we too are based in Romania, we are legally required to invoice/charge you in RON. / The “EUR:RON” exchange rate we use is “1:5.05”, which is the official exchange rate on the last day of the previous month plus ~1%. / After clicking “Pay Now”, you’ll go to Stripe, where you’ll see all prices in RON.
Shipping not Automated: For this country, our order process is not yet automated. / Please email us, and we’ll get back to you promptly. / Order via Email
Print: Image area is 40×66.7cm. / Bordered by 2.5cm (left/right) and 4.5cm (top/bottom) of whitespace, for a total size of 45×75.7cm. / Printed using a digital C-type process, at 199dpi. / Unmounted and unframed.
Print: Image area is 16×26.7in. / Bordered by 1in (left/right) and 1.8in (top/bottom) of whitespace, for a total size of 18×30.3in. / Printed using a digital C-type process, at 199dpi. / Unmounted and unframed.
Print Sizing: Centimeters / Inches
Costs: We print & ship through Whitewall, and we make no profit on these costs. / We charge you exactly what they charge us, including any discounts we may be elligible for at the time.
portrait / Romania, Timisoara